Happy Snow Day! (Also, it's almost April?!)

This snow came out of NOWHERE. Seriously... no mention of 6-8 inches of snow anywhere! (In my interactions, anyway.) But, I'm not complaining. :) I love snow and we have had hardly any snow days this year! At least none that really lasted more than a day or so. I am glad old man winter showed his face one last time before spring really kicks in! Love! I snuck outside during Sunday's nap time yesterday and grabbed a few quick shots of the snow while standing in our front yard. And let me tell you... I've never missed my 100mm macro lens as much as I have these past few weeks! Snow, spring blossoms (and in the same week... only in Virginia!), and newborn sessions galore! How beautiful these images would have been with such fine detail. It's okay, though. I am excited to have one in my bag as wedding season kicks in in a few weeks. For now, I'm making do with what I've got. :)

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from yesterday:


Equipment used for this session:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 70-200mm f/2.8l lens

Liz Cook is the owner and photographer of sincerely, liz: photography. She is a virginia wedding photographer and virginia portrait photographer who loves virginia weddingsfamily portrait sessions and couple photography.

To see more of Liz’s work, check out her latest work as well as some of her favorite weddings. To hire Liz, simply fill out this form.

10 Good Things

Spring. Spring, spring, spring!

Real hope about future job and lifestyle changes for our family. Pray with me that I will be able to share amazing news with you this summer. Please? (Please!) God knows what's up!

A sweet girl who is enjoying a break between teething molars. One in... the other is hanging back for a little while and I am oh-so-grateful for relief for my little love.

Fresh air and friends who want to get out and about with us.

A new gym membership that combines Crossfit, childcare, AND an indoor family pool! Oh, and a big chunk of savings for us as well.

An invisible fence that finally does the trick and allows our dogs the freedom to roam the yard on good weather days while also staying in their own territory. No more runaway puppies!!

Saving money and getting rid of toxins by making our own cleaning supplies. So far I've made an all-purpose cleaner, dishwashing soap, and laundry detergent!

An upswing on a hormone imbalance. Weaning is no joke on the hormones. Lemme tell ya.

Wedding season is right around the corner... not to be overshadowed by engagement session season in the next few weeks. So excited!

And finally... this Saturday I have the best friend in the world coming to help me paint some rooms in my house. This is like, 2 years over due. And my sweet, sweet friend totally just finished painting her entire house. She is OVER painting, but she is going to help me anyway.

Pictures in this post are from Micah & Katie's wedding. Such a beautiful day that I love to relive over and over. xoxo.

My favorite iPhone apps + springtime!

Happy first day of Spring!!! As I type this, the sun is streaming through the windows and the sky is a sweet light blue. I am so excited about spring this year. Sunday is loving any chance she has to be outdoors, which means I'll probably be outside more this year than I have since I was a young child! Being outdoors is so good for the soul! I'm really looking forward to the next few months. <3 However, this also means being away from my computer. Which, as we all know, is a good thing... in moderation, of course. I run my business on my computer so I need some good desk time on a very regular basis. However, I am really grateful for my iPhone and all of the great apps I have that help me run a business and household all while getting fresh air at the same time!

Here are a few of my favorite apps right now:

Feedly - As a long time fan of Google Reader, it took me a few months to finally make the full leap to Feedly. I used it on my phone for a while before I finally gave in and started using it on my computer as well. Google is my go-to for work (google hangouts are used for meetings, email for correspondence, and the calendar to basically manage my entire life). The big kicker was that having the google feel to my RSS reader gave me justification to read blogs while working. The feedly platform is designed to look like a magazine - so when I open it I feel like I’m taking a quick break from work (which also helps me keep it short!). I am loving it!

Evernote - I can access my evernote stash on my phone, my laptop, my ipad, and anyone else’s computer if needed. This app has helped streamline my productivity, allowing me to easily categorize client correspondence, grocery lists, and rough draft blog posts. My whole life, organized and categorized with just a click of a button. Anything and everything goes into Evernote and stays there for safe keeping. It’s like my life journal, without secrets.  :)

Buffer - You all can thank BufferApp for diluting my tweets and facebook status updates. I try to spend a minimal chunk of time daily on social media sites (what is a “minimal amount of time,” anyway?), but I also really enjoy sharing the good stuff I find with you. Problem is, I find most of the good stuff in the same 30 minute time frame. Buffer let’s me, well, buffer the status messages and links so that they are shared throughout the day versus all together at 5:45 in the morning. If you are a small business owner, BufferApp is a must-have!

Daily Goals - I just downloaded this app recently. It lets you create 8 daily goals and keeps track of your completion habits over time. I like the idea of a few daily goals because they all seem achievable. Having just a few small tasks to aim to complete every day is both challenging and productive at the same time. Love!

PicTapGo - A brand new photography app that I am LOVING. There are a variety of filters to suit every style and the best part is you can change the intensity of each filter on your pictures (finally! An app that let's me edit a bit more naturally!). As if that's not nice enough, the app remembers the filter recipes you use and makes it faster and easier to edit each image. It's a paid app - but it's worth every penny!

Wisdom Hunters - There are a ton of great Bible devotional apps out there. I love Wisdom Hunters for a couple of reasons. It offers a new devotional reading daily, they actually have a twitter blurb so I can share encouragement with others, as well. And I especially love how deeply it discusses spiritual warfare. I believe this is a real, serious thing happening at all times and I love the gentle reminders to be aware and to protect myself through prayer and reading scripture. Love!

And then of course I use these popular apps just as often as the ones above: Twitter, Facebook, Mailbox, Instagram, Amazon Kindle, Pinterest, Tapatalk, and Vine! (As you can see, I have downloaded Google+ and never use it... :))

What are some of your favorite iphone apps??

Gratituesday: On Mommy Guilt

So, last week I came across this link on my Facebook page. If you don't want to click through, here's the jist:

Dear Mom on the iPhone, It's okay. Sincerely, Awesome Mom Peer

Yes! It IS okay! I have this thing about Mommy guilt... it makes me sooo frustrated. It seems like moms in our culture feel guilty about everything - and we nurture each other’s guilt, too! It’s as if, subconciously, we are thinking “If I have Mommy guilt, it's because I care. And a good mom cares, right? Okay then, live on, mommy guilt!”

Except - a good mom also needs to believe in herself and the decisions she has made. She should stand by who she is and own herself - flaws, bad tempers, mistakes, and all. She should know mistakes happen, bad days come and go, and not knowing an answer is just a part of her role as a mama.

But, our culture thrives on Mommy guilt and it drives me batty. Do I suffer from mommy guilt? YES. I’m not going to act like I have it under control and I don’t second guess a LOT of what I do. But, what makes it worse is that we are constantly discussing our guilt, reading about it, and allowing it to naturally become a part of our identities as mothers. But, you all! It is such a waste of time and energy! I do recognize I am holding myself to a ridiculous standard sometimes, we all are. Luckily, I have amazing people in my life that help bring me back to reality when I need it most… and I am so blessed for it.

(And not to sound like a commercial, but, I want to genuinely add: if YOU need some life cheerleaders, I encourage you to “Like” The Motherhood Collective on Facebook and join in the conversation. We are all about loving and nurturing moms. Because we all need it.)

Okay, so, when I came across that blog post about being an iPhone mama and it being OKAY I was thinking "Yes! Yes! Thank you! Let’s join together and tell these mamas to STOP FEELING GUILTY about so much stuff!” Someone else on the internet GETS IT! I am a recent (last 3 months or so) iPhone convert and it didn’t take long before my phone became an important key to managing our lives. I respond to client emails faster, I can spew out a grocery list as I drive to the store, I share bits of Sunday's days with Tommy, I read a daily devotion… the list goes on and on.

So, for this Gratituesday, I've got two things: I am super grateful for moms that are about supporting one another. And, on a lighter note… I am also grateful for my iphone and how much it helps me manage all the going ons of our family. :) I am grateful to know I’m not the only mama who does NOT feel guilty about how often I use my phone in the presence of my family!

Tomorrow, I am going to share some of my favorite iphone apps with you guys. And I’m not going to feel one ounce of guilt about it!

Gratituesday is a weekly post I try to keep up with. Join us at Heavenly Homemakers by sharing your own Gratituesday post!

An Elegant Garden Party | Style Shoot

So last week I introduced you to Amanda and her team from Ashley Baber Weddings. Today, I would like to share a peek into the beauty that can unfold when a wedding designer teams up with this area’s finest vendors for your wedding. This was a beautiful set up at Bliss: A Fine Wedding Fair. You are looking at the incredible talent of Amanda Gray (stylist), Amy Thornburg (florist), and Jennifer England (cake artist). Are they not an incredible trio?! And they are all local to Lynchburg. So beautiful.

Elegant Garden Party Design and styling: Amanda Gray, Ashley Baber Weddings Floral: Amy Thornburg, The Arrangement Company Personal Wedding Cakes: Jennifer England, La Bella Torta Chairs and Tabletop Rentals: Festive Fare Chevron Sequin Linen: La Tavola Fine Linen Venue: Tresca on 8th

Equipment used for these images: canon 5d mark ii // canon 50mm f/1.2 lens