Ooooh boy do I have the blogging ITCH! Unfortunately, it is the peak of the "crazy season" around here! I have so many sessions and weddings to share with you all. In the meantime, I'm hanging out with clients, shooting away, processing images, and trying to manage our prepare-for-Nepal task list.
So what does life look like around here these days?
Well, besides the fact that I'm up before dawn daily because I have so much swirling around in my head... :) There's a whole lot of laundry to be done... dirty floors (seriously, who has time to sweep? Oh and did you know we got a new dog?!)... luggage strewn about... and a to-do list a mile long! Honestly, when I'm right in the middle of "the season," nothing else in life seems to get done. :) I'm just editing, emailing, shooting, and kissing my crew goodnight at bedtime! Somewhere in between all of this, we are preparing and planning our big trip to Nepal! We leave in six days and have SO much to do! But we are getting really excited... honestly I think our biggest concerns about the trip include: a super long flight with a three year old (13hrs, twice!), stomach bug prevention, and staying on top of 25 week pregnancy swelling (which seems to develop on a plane). Not too bad, eh?
We are looking forward to this trip so very much - the experiences we will have, loving on the people, and helping out with the Allow The Children ministry as much as possible. Thank you all so, so very much for your support of our trip. Not only for reserving time slots during the fundraising sessions and buying raffle tickets, but also for your heartfelt words of encouragement and prayers. We are feeling so loved and supported by our decision to make this trip happen during this wild and crazy season of life.
We really cannot thank you enough!
So... like I said. I've been missing blogging. But something tells me in just a few weeks I'll have a LOT more time on my hands... :) When that happens, I will revive this blog and start sharing with you all what 2014 really looked like around here!
Until then... all blog posts are more fun with pictures, yes? I shared a photo from this session on instagram the other day and realized I never shared the whole session with you! This was a super fun, but low-key family session shot by Zack of Zachary Taylor Photography back in January. These are some of my favorite pictures ever because they are just so true to us - our lifestyle together. We didn't buy new outfits for the session and I am wearing minimal make-up. I just wanted something real... and Zack provided that for us. I cherish these pictures!

P.S. I am announcing the winner of the $1,000 raffle THIS coming Saturday (October 11th)! If you would like a chance to win $1,000 in services from Sincerely, Liz: Photography while supporting our trip at the same time, you can purchase your ticket here!!