It seems unbelievable that just a year ago Izzie was still in my belly! My, oh my, how crazy it is to think of all that has changed in just one year. Being a mama of two has been a totally wild ride... but also amazing, of course! When one is driving me crazy, the other is warming my heart. It's the perfect balance and I have just loved all the ways that we each grew and learned alongside of one another in 2015.
Merry Christmas 2013
I hope everyone that reads this was able to wake up to a warm, cozy home full of peace, love, and joy this morning. I hope you are surrounded by loved ones and will feel the true love of Christ in your heart and your surroundings today.
"He came not to a throne, but to a manger.
He lived not as a king, but as a servant.
He chose not an earthly kingdom, but a cross.
He gave not just a little, but everything."
Here's our family Christmas card we mailed out this year. They went out a little late, so this may be a spoiler for some of you who haven't received them yet. Ah well, better late than never!

Merry Christmas, Friends!
From our family to yours: Thank you for the many ways you blessed our family this year. We're looking forward to creating more memories with you in 2014 and we can't see what God has planned for those whose paths we will have the pleasure of crossing!
P.S. Check back next week for the kick-off to our First Annual Best-Of Contest!!