10 Life-Changing Blog Posts for New Moms & Moms-To-Be

A few weeks ago I was finally able to meet the beautiful and unique soul behind the online personality, Way Crunchy. Azalea moved to my town recently from a city that didn't have a huge natural living community. In fact, she was the leader of the Crunchy Moms group in her larger city. So when she moved to our town with the motivation to bring her philosophy, vision and passions to life in a new area, she was met with a huge natural living community that wasn't necessarily in need of a leader (her words, not mine!).

After this quick conversation with her, I had a MOMENT! I realized how easy it is to forget that I live in a beautifully unique area with an incredible amount of support available for mamas and that the education I was led to is not always as available to women in other areas. As if I needed another reason to blog about the First 100 Days of having a new baby, right?! :)

I will say that my chat with Azalea got me off my tush and gave the motivation necessary to work on a handful of new blog posts for my mama blog readers! This brings me to the latest in my First 100 Days Series... 

Blog Posts for New Moms

20 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Postpartum
"20. It Gets Better. Postpartum kind of sucks. It just does. But it does get better. Your baby will sleep eventually. Your boobs will go back to normal (mostly). You’ll have sex again. Life will go on and you’ll figure it out. The haze will lift and you will love motherhood. This time feels endless, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel."

Tips for New Moms: A Girlfriend's Guide to Birth and the 4th Trimester, Part 2

10 Self-Care Tips for New Moms
"3. Buy Postpartum Clothes. Everyone talks about maternity clothes, no one talks about postpartum clothes."

Ten Things To Keep You More Comfortable Postpartum
"NO guilt. I just had a patient the other day say “Should I feel guilty when I leave her in the crib like that?” I did a exorcist head spin and said, “NEVER feel guilty for putting your baby down.” The guilt. Leave it behind."

A Toolkit for Postpartum Anxiety and Panic Symptoms
"The term postpartum depression can be a disservice to many, many women who struggle during pregnancy and/or postpartum. Many of these women don’t reach out for help because, well, they are not necessarily depressed and so therefore assume that their struggle is not with postpartum depression."

Blog Posts for Moms-To-Be

100 Little Things About Pregnancy, Birth, and Being a First-Time Mom 
"7. Don’t feel guilty if the gender of the baby on the ultrasound isn’t what you were expecting (or hoping for). It’s normal and will pass. (And you will be so happy about your little boy or girl that you’ll forget about it anyway.)" (Sidenote from Liz: I do want to say I completely disagree with #9. Buy whatever it takes for you to feel cute and happy, because 9 months is a long time to feel frumpy and uncomfortable... carrying a baby is tough enough on your body. :))

Tips for New Moms: A Girlfriend's Guide to Birth and the 4th Trimester, Part 1

3 Things We Would Have Done Differently
"As we were driving home from a wedding in Richmond this weekend, Mikey and I reflected on some things we were glad to know now but definitely didn’t for our FIRST born"

My Biggest Birth Plan Regret
"My birth plan ended with routine procedures we did and didn't want for our newborn in his (or her) first hours. But the part of childbirth I completely failed to plan for was recovery and bonding."

No-Fluff Baby List - What Do You REALLY "Need"
"Unless otherwise noted I recommend getting almost ALL these things used.  Hand-me-downs, buying at consignment stores or thrift stores are a GREAT option.  You have quite a long period of time to get ready for your new baby, spend that looking for great prices on the essentials — that way you’re not stuck with a big bill right as you head into maternity leave."

These posts speak my language, friends!! I love the variety of information available around the internet, but as great as it can all be, sometimes it can really drain us. I hope a few of the blog posts I shared above will help ENCOURAGE you and help you prepare for and/or feel better about where you are in your motherhood journey. 

You are doing GREAT, mama! :-*

P.S. If you are a local mama and you have not yet joined The Motherhood Collective at any of their variety of programs, PLEASE do yourself a favor and treat yo'self to at least ONE attempt at showing up. That's the hardest part, friends... but I know it is SO SO worth it! (And goodness gracious, if you do come and I'm there also, say HI!)

Liz is a wedding and birth photographer in Central Virginia. She loves to photograph fun and easygoing couples in love as well as emotional and discreet birth stories and just about anything in-between.  

Merry Christmas 2015!

Merry Christmas 2015!

It seems unbelievable that just a year ago Izzie was still in my belly! My, oh my, how crazy it is to think of all that has changed in just one year. Being a mama of two has been a totally wild ride... but also amazing, of course! When one is driving me crazy, the other is warming my heart. It's the perfect balance and I have just loved all the ways that we each grew and learned alongside of one another in 2015. 

Holiday Gift Guide for Mamas & Babies

With the holiday season upon us and Black Friday right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to throw together a few gift guides for my blog readers! Below are two lists I've been mentally gathering over the past year of some of our absolute favorite products we have either used or heard about. Check out the lists below and let me know what you would add to them!

  1. Covered Goods - This four-in-one Nursing Cover is a stylish and versatile product that any modern mamas are sure to love. I love that even if the mama in your life isn't planning to breastfeed, she can still find plenty of uses for this adorable product. 
  2. Timi and Leslie Diaper Bag - I am absolutely in LOVE with my T&M bag. I actually received it for my birthday about 6 months before Izzie joined our family and since then it has been my go-to bag (it's over a year old and still looks great)! The high-quality materials combined with the stylish look have made it impossible for me to find a better bag. Seriously - I've probably bought and returned 3 new bags this year alone... and for a self-proclaimed "bag lady," that's a huge deal!! (P.S. I have the Rachel style!)
  3. Burlap Bows by Tator Tots Trends - My girlies have been looking adorable this year in all of their hair accessories from Lora's shop, but I was feeling a tad left out! As a busy mama, being able to add quick accessories to my outfits has been an easy way for me to add a touch of style as I am on my way out to run errands or meet with clients. I was SO happy this year when Lora launched her new BURLAP BOW line. The neutral colors go with almost anything! Easy AND cute? The new mama in your life will love them!
  4. Photography Lessons from The Moment Collectors - I have been admiring Sarah Q's work for years and when I saw she had launched The Moment Collectors I immediately thought about the mamas I know who would love to learn a few more in depth ways to use their cameras. Her online lessons have received great reviews and I have no doubt in her ability to teach and share her knowledge, considering she is a homeschooling mama of three! 
  5. Earth Mama . Angel Baby - Earth Mama Angel Baby promises safe, hospital recommended, organic and natural herbal products specifically formulated to support the entire journey of childbirth, from Pregnancy through Postpartum Recovery, Breastfeeding, Baby care, and even Baby Loss. Their products are high-quality and promise to be treasured by any mama who receives them.
  6. Hydro Flask - I am IN LOVE with these bottles! Earlier this year I took an Instagram poll asking for water bottle suggestions that would actually keep my water COLD while I am working at an all-day wedding. Hydro Flask was suggested, I purchased one... and I have since bought 4 more bottles! Oh, they are THE BEST. Whether the expectant mama in your life is craving hot drinks or ice-cold drinks, a Hydro Flask bottle is sure to keep the temperature satisfactory until she finishes the last drop. (And let's be honest, sometimes it can take all day for mama to finish her coffee.)
  1. LostMy.Name Book - Sunday received one of these books for her birthday and it is so much fun! The storyline follows a young child who has lost their name and goes out to find it... along the way meeting a world of magical animals that lend letters from their own names that end up spelling the child's name in the end. I may or may not be more excited about the book than Sunday is. Either way, it's a treasure of a gift! (If you've already bought a LostMy.Name book, check out their newest book: The Incredible Journey Home, personalized to a child's very own address!)
  2. Minky Blanket from By George! Baby Boutique - Soft, organic fabrics and unique patterns make Sarah's handmade baby items stand out from the rest. Choose from teething rings, baby sheets, boppy covers or custom-made blankets!
  3. ZipADee-Zip - If you have seen Izzie & I in person this year, I've no doubt seen her in one of her Zippies!! We LOVE these things! Izzie loved being swaddled and when she got too big and mobile to be safely swaddled any longer, we heard about these swaddle transition blankets and bought one right away. She transitioned seamlessly and we love being able to communicate to her when it's time to sleep and when it's time to wake! 
  4. Melissa & Doug Band In A Box - The thing I love about this Melissa and Doug set is that not only have M&D built a trusted brand with high-quality, long-lasting products... but this Band In A Box will last for YEARS. From 6 months old until 6 years old, music instruments are a hit with almost all kids at any age. 
  5. Zutano Baby Booties - I absolutely love these baby booties! They are super soft and fluffy, but MOST important, they are the ONLY baby shoes I've had for my girls that have stayed on their feet. I adore Zutano's selection of neutral colors, which I find to be especially practical and helpful in keeping things simple in Izzie's closet. 

What would you add to these lists? 

What were some of your favorite products from this past year? What did your kids love? I'd love to hear some ideas from you all! 

The Birth of Hudson Barret

The Birth of Hudson Barret


This blog post contains graphic images and words about a premature baby being born and passing. Hudson's mom was 16 weeks pregnant when he was born and these pictures were taken. If you are pregnant or have had a miscarriage in the past, please proceed with caution. 

I never thought I would be writing this post.

Before I start... I have to warn you. This blog post is heartbreaking.

10 Easy Tips for Flying With an Infant

10 Easy Tips for Flying With an Infant

I absolutely did not expect to be traveling with Izzie nearly as frequently as I have been these last six months! Two Saturdays ago she flew on her 14th and 15th flights! Thanks to two spur-of-the-moment weekend trips to visit faraway friends, an unexpected funeral to attend, and a faraway wedding, she has flown almost monthly since she was born.

Now, I usually prefer to travel as light as possible, but with an infant, that's not always very light. Because of this, I've discovered a few unique ideas that can help traveling through airports with an infant a little easier. Hopefully you will find them helpful as well!