Lynchburg Professional PhotographerTen Years In Business

Wanna know something crazy? Ten years ago this month I photographed my first wedding.

Wow. An entire decade!

I photographed the wedding on a Canon Rebel Xt camera with one SD card. I took breaks during the day to run out to the parking lot, download the SD card to my laptop, clear the card (omg I'm hyperventilating at this thought right now!!!) and run back to take more pictures. (Are you wedding photographers having a heart attack yet??) Oh, wait! There's more!! My camera battery died and I had the guts to ask a guest if I could borrow his.

Needless to say, I've come a long way. And the ride has been wild.

I still wonder sometimes why God led me down this path. Why did he take me, someone who does not handle stress very well, and put me in one of the most intense industries? Being an entrepreneur is serious business. Committing to capturing moments that are impossible to re-create is a huge responsibility. Putting these two jobs together creates a(n at times) stressful career! Luckily, I have been blessed with remarkable clients and colleagues who have freely shared support, encouraging words, understanding and (both welcomed and un-welcomed, let's be honest) constructive criticism.

As I look back on the last ten years in business, I am overcome with gratitude for this journey. And to still be IN business, at that! I have watched a lot of colleagues close their business doors for many different reasons. And for unknown reasons to me, mine continues to grow. I give the credit to God, because heaven knows, I have failed many times over.

I thought it would be fun to share Ten Life Lessons I've Learned as an entrepreneur, a professional photographer, a wedding industry member, a birth industry member, and work-at-home-mama during the last decade.

Can you relate to any of these?

  1. There is always something to learn from a difficult experience. You can walk away bitter, angry, or sad, OR you can choose to reflect on the situation and learn from any mistakes you've made.
  2. Your calendar is the best depiction of your priorities. You can say what your priorities are all day long, but it's how you are spending your time that one can truly see where your heart lies.
  3. It is never a bad time to improve your time management skills. Like, ever. Just when you think you have this down to an art, you'll find another area where you can improve. Never give up fine tuning and perfecting time management skills! (P.S. My favorite resource for whipping myself into shape is FocusBooster!)
  4. Failing is not the end of the world. If you're like I was and you can't give yourself grace and learn to accept that you are a flawed human, then running a business will probably never be enjoyable. I had to let go of my expectations of perfection before I could simply take a deep breath and tell myself "failing is not the end of the world." I remember being pregnant with Sunday and I was currently on the road traveling from Fredericksburg to Lynchburg. I received a text message from a client who was waiting for me in Richmond. She was sitting on a park bench with her daughters and mother, thinking I was running a few minutes behind. But, in reality, I was two hours away singing at the top of my lungs to a song on the radio. Getting that phone call gutted me. A genuine mistake, a "pregnancy brain" moment. I called Tommy and said "I want to quit this work. I can't do this... I cannot handle disappointing another client like this." It felt like THE END OF THE WORLD. But, you know what? It wasn't. I am human, and I'm going to make mistakes. I just had to pick myself up, brush myself off, share my deepest apologies, and do what I could to prevent making the same mistake again. Grace, not perfection. 
  5. Proper handling of stressful situations takes practice (and a whole lot of grace). The best thing you can do is stay calm, take a deep breath, and begin to problem-solve. I know this is common sense, but learning how to put this behavior into practice is truly an art form for a personality like mine. Ha! Of course, I'm still working on this... habits are tough to break! 
  6. Accepting people just the way they are and/or letting go of unhealthy relationships is one of the best things you can do to find peace in your work and personal life. I didn't really think this one needed much explanation. 
  7. Sometimes it is better to let go of control, even when you own your own business. For example, outsourcing a handful of business tasks has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, both personally and professionally. When you are not a professional at something, hiring another professional to take care of those items not only improves your product and experience for your clients, but it also helps you get back to focusing on that which you ARE a professional in.
  8. There are seasons in life and this is more than okay, it's a beautiful part of life! Seasons come and go. I've always said I will run this business as long as life, and God, will allow me to do so. Over time, this business has seen different seasons: I have focused on wedding photography, then birth photography, and recently studio work has been the forefront of my focus. This business has changed names twice. Did you know I originally began with the name Love & Laughter Photography?! Ah, I love to look back and see that my heart is still in the same place as it was in the beginning - capturing love and celebrating life! <3 Each of the seasons I've had in my business has followed the path of my personal life and what has been best for myself and my family at that time. What an amazing journey.
  9. No communication is the worst communication. Even if you have bad news to share, sharing it honestly (and quickly) is better than not sharing it at all. This is obviously a good life skill, but a difficult one to master. As someone who hates sharing bad news, I have had to learn the hard way a few times that it is truly better to share bad news than to hide from sharing anything at all.
  10. Personable service and client relationships are a part of a high-quality experience, but not a necessary part of a successful business. Hear me out. While I have a gift of compassion and I am very personable, I have had to learn that not all of my clients want that as a part of their experience. What they want is a business transaction - good images in return for a financial investment. For a long time, I spent too much time pouring into personal emails, long client conversations, and extra special gifts. While these are good things, they were not always the best use of my time. If you are beginning a new customer service business, take it from me: keep your systems simple until you have them down to an art. Then bring in the personal touches. 

And I thought it would be fun to finish out this post with a blast from the past... a few images from my first year of business. Whew! Let me tell you, this is really not that fun for me. But, I thought it was only fair to share that, yes, we all start somewhere. I have to share my genuine gratitude to each of these clients (and friends!) for trusting me at such an early stage of my business and photography journey!

Also, I had to grab these pictures off of Facebook because they are all stored on a hard drive tucked somewhere in the depths of my files. Ha! 

Okay, I can't help it! I have to redeem those pictures with a few of my favorite weddings from 2016!! Here is a glimpse at some of my most recent work. 

Are you planning a Lynchburg, VA wedding? I have photographed over 150 weddings over the last ten years and would love to capture the story of your wedding day. I am currently booking 2017 and 2018 weddings. If you are interested in having me capture your love, I would love to sit down and chat with you! Simply send me a message and we will plan a time for you to come out to the studio to share your story.

Are you beginning a photography career and looking for business coaching? I am currently booking a very limited number of mentoring sessions in 2017 and would be happy to send you more information about my availability. Send me a message and we can start the conversation!

Our Home is for Sale!


Ten years.
A marriage (still going strong!)
One home birth
Two babies
Three (and a half) dogs
Numerous playdates, birthday parties, and dinner dates with friends
And about five years of contemplating moving... should we... or shouldn't we?

It's truly been the perfect home for a growing family. Three spacious bedrooms, three full baths, a huge great room downstairs and a fenced in back yard! The entire home has been painted (some rooms in recent months, some in recent years) within the last two years. The kitchen and laundry room have both been updated recently with open shelving to compliment the abundance of natural light in the home. The appliances all convey, as well as the swing set out back!

We are so sad to leave our first home... but we know it is time for us to move on. 

Here are some photos of our house for sale... we are mostly fond of the 2-car garage that wasn't necessarily photo-ready at this point. But try to imagine... it's oversized and currently fits stacks of boxes, normal garage storage stuff AND our two vehicles! Oh, and ignore the tiniest details my mom-brain forgot to clear before the photos were taken. (Like the pile of dust I forgot to sweep up after sweeping the entire house... can you spot it? It's a bit camouflaged! Hah! Oh but hey! Another positive... these floors hide everything!)

If you know of anyone in the market for a home in the city of Lynchburg, please share this MLS listing with them! We are motivated sellers!! 

My Postpartum Story | Maternal Health Matters

If you've been following me for a while, you are probably no stranger to The Motherhood Collective. This local non-profit is changing lives and I am one of their biggest fans. :) This month (through Mother's Day, May 8th) they are running a campaign to help raise funds to continue the great work they are doing. 

Every day women around the world give of themselves to nurture and grow the next generation, yet statistics report as many as 1 in 8 women feel ISOLATED and ALONE in their journey from preconception to postpartum. By giving to our campaign, you will be investing in the very foundation of our community.
— Maternal Health Matters Campaign

I have set a goal to raise $500 through this campaign and I hope you will help me achieve my goal! Please read my story below about how TMC has personally helped me and deeply affected my life. If you feel led to give to this organization so that they can continue their impactful work, simply click here

My Postpartum Story

Because of The Motherhood Collective, I had a safe place. 

I had a place I could go and connect with other moms. In this safe place, I didn't carry the burden of worry about breastfeeding in public, or letting a few tears of solidarity fall while listening to another mother discuss her new-mama challenges. I could ask for advice and not fear a condescending response, but rather receive support and encouragement. This group was truly a treasured place for me. 

For years, I attended The Motherhood Collective Cafe and enjoyed camaraderie, asked and even answered questions, and didn't feel quite so alone. 

But my story really begins years later. 

Four and half years after I first attended the cafe, I gave birth to my second child. After a few weeks of pure bliss and enjoying every moment of my brand new babymoon... my happy hormones faded away. I found myself in a constant state of anger... lack of patience... using my "cranky" words, as my then three-year-old would say. Sure, I was exhausted. And no, I wasn't sad. Just... impossible. My family was walking on eggshells and my husband began to lean more into his hobbies than his family. I started to become scared for our future together. My family was struggling because I was struggling.

My years at TMC had prepared me for this. 

Their informational panels, small group discussions and even recent blog posts had left more than a few important facts in my arsenal. Because of TMC, I knew sadness wasn't the only symptom of Postpartum Depression. After more than a few weeks of my family doing everything they could to help cheer me up, something triggered a breakdown. On the third day of (almost) non-stop crying, I called my midwife's office. I was able to be seen the very next morning and my midwife confirmed my fears: I had Postpartum Depression. I promptly received the help I needed. 

More than offering me a safe place, The Motherhood Collective saved me. 

Quite frankly, it saved my marriage. The power of knowledge and the cherished friendships I gained from attending the cafe and playgroups are, for lack of a better word, priceless. 

Motherhood and those early days of the postpartum season is a passion of mine. As a birth photographer, I have a unique opportunity to connect with moms during this fragile and short season of life, and you better believe every single client of mine receives a direct invitation to attend the next TMC cafe on my calendar. :) 

My goal for this campaign is to raise at least $500. If my story touched you or if you found it relatable in any way, I would love it if you would spare a few extra dollars to help continue to support this incredible non-profit. 

The work The Motherhood Collective is doing is saving lives.

A Big Announcement | East Coast Birth Photography Workshop

It feels a bit surreal to be writing this blog post. For years, I have watched as colleagues and industry friends have grown their photography businesses to levels that have justified the start of industry educational opportunities. For the past few years, I have casually offered mentoring through my website on an as-needed basis. However, I have always stood firm in the fact that I am NOT a teacher. I don't have the talent of teaching... I even struggle with my own children! (Eek!) Regardless of this claim, I have met with numerous willing photographers and openly shared anything and everything they have asked me regarding photography business information. And surprisingly, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. The best part for me, though, has been the relationships were introduced through this avenue. Some of my best industry friends have come out of these mentoring meetings!

One of these friendships has officially grown into a business partnership. It's so crazy to think of the journey I have walked with Emily Gerald over the past two years and where we are today! You guys... Emily IS a teacher! When I met her she was a grade-school teacher and had just finished her Master's Degree in Teaching. I mean... this partnership was destined to happen. :)

Earlier this week, Emily and I launched our first e-book we co-wrote (that you can download for FREE right here!), which was crazy exciting! I suppose it wasn't exciting enough, though, because today we are sharing MUCH bigger news! Ahh!

Emily and I are hosting an intimate, one-day, all-inclusive birth photography workshop! 

At this workshop in March, we will be sharing all we know about running profitable birth photography businesses to help equip and encourage other photographers to run their own businesses more efficiently and with great success. 

Our ultimate hope is that by sharing and teaching how we run our own businesses, the birth photography industry will grow.

The workshop agenda is packed full of content including portfolio building opportunities, information about the birth process, connecting and gaining wisdom from other birth industry professionals, the ins and outs of running a profitable birth photography business, client relationship tips and tricks, and more!

For details and to find out how to join us, click here.

Registration opens 02.01.2016 at 10AM EST! To sign up to receive an email reminder, click here!

I just want to say thank you to those of you who have given me the chance to share my knowledge and for all of you who have supported me in my photography career so far. It's the most incredible feeling to do what you love and know that you are helping others in the process! <3 

Merry Christmas 2015!

Merry Christmas 2015!

It seems unbelievable that just a year ago Izzie was still in my belly! My, oh my, how crazy it is to think of all that has changed in just one year. Being a mama of two has been a totally wild ride... but also amazing, of course! When one is driving me crazy, the other is warming my heart. It's the perfect balance and I have just loved all the ways that we each grew and learned alongside of one another in 2015.