Gratituesday is a weekly blog post (that I try to keep up with) I got involved with over here. You should join, too! If you do, be sure to let me know in the comments as I would love to read what you write about. So I promised myself that I would complete 52 consecutive weeks of Graitutesday posts this year.
I really, really want to do this. But even just seven weeks in I've already had a few that were posted a day or two late. Honestly, I am okay with that. However, the last thing I want to do is completely skip a week... that would ruin the whole consecutive idea. So this is just me trying to stay caught up (in a weird, sort of skewed way).
Today's gratitutesday post is 6 days late so I'll be back tomorrow with another one, right on time!
Last week I was especially grateful for the little burst of spring that showed up. It came just in time for me, giving me the opportunity to open all of my windows and doors and let the winter air out of my house!
It was a great pick-me-up for the winter blues I seem to have been experiencing. :)
(Ahhh... and I'm grateful for such a short and sweet gratituesday post.)
What are you grateful for this week?