
Thursday Thirteen | Okay I cheated

Yes I turned last weeks Thursday Thirteen into this weeks. I've been out of the office 6 of the 7 days between now and then! Sue me. ;) Thank you to those who took the time to answer the questions! As always, I loved reading your answers. It is always fun to learn more about people. I wish I could sit down and have coffee with each one of you and hear your stories. The little peek you all shared has me super intrigued! Hmmm maybe someday I'll be like MckMama and I can have Sincerely, Liz get togethers around the country and people would actually show up. Hah.

(me and my girl Mollie at her bachelorette party)

Here are my answers to last week's Thursday Thirteen questionnare:

  1. If money or skill-set was no issue, what would you love to do for a living? Birth Photography. All the time.
  2. If you could fix or put an end to one problem in the world what would it be? No more addiction! To anything!
  3. What is one of your favorite traits about yourself? I like that I am personable.
  4. Share with me the name of one person who inspires you. SO many people inspire me, but this week I have been encouraged by my sister-in-law Christy quite a bit.
  5. If you could get rid of one type of music forever, what would it be? Band, genre, artist? Heavy metal. It can't be good for people. It just can't.
  6. If you could choose your talent, what talent would you give to yourself? Why? Oh my... I would LOVE if I had a bit more hand-eye coordination. Perhaps I would have been more of an athlete and staying in shape wouldn't be such a challenge. :)
  7. What sort of vacation do you enjoy most? The kind that has the perfect mix of discovery, adventure, relaxation and zero stress.
  8. Reach out your arm to your left. What is closest at hand? A laptop bag. To your right? My camera.
  9. If you took a six month sabbatical from your work / life situation, what would you do? Travel! For SURE. Buy an RV and renovate it like the Happy Janssen's did and just road trip around the country.
  10. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? All the names I liked when I was younger are now super popular baby names and I haven't thought much about it since. I really don't know. Jordan? Taylor? Carmen? I do like Carter... but it's my middle name.
  11. If you were stranded on an island and could take ONE person with you, who would it be? My husband. He's loving, reassuring, and totally resourceful in those kinds of situations.
  12. What is your favorite (encouraging) quote? "You never know when one act, or one word of encouragement can change a life forever."
  13. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? A recent thing was my friend Emily staying up late on webcam keeping me company because I was lonely. True friends are amazing. :)

Again, I'm heading out of the office today for a weekend of sessions and dinner dates in Fredericksburg and Richmond. But email and my phone will be accessible this time so please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything!

Thursday Thirteen | All About You

So I didn't hold up my end of the deal with the whole Thursday Thirteen thing last month. HOWEVER, what I did do was totally enjoy getting to know my readers better. I loved hearing about the people who are special to you (that you would take on a coffee date - it takes a special person to share a good, solid coffee date with :)), the places you'd love to vacation, and my favorite: the things you collect. Seriously, ya'll, that was fantastic. Some of those answers cracked me up, some made my heart smile, and others simply made me reflect on the little things in my own life. I really enjoyed hearing from you. That said... I am kicking off a new Thursday Thirteen attempt this week here at the NEW blog. I want to keep the theme going and continue to get to know my readers. So! These questions are for you. Copy and paste them to your own blog, answer them in the comments, or create a facebook note and tag me in it. No matter how you do it, I would love to read your answers. I'll come back with my answers for you guys in the next few days. If you blog about these questions, link to your entry in the comments so I can come check it out!

Alright, here we go....!

  1. If money or skill-set was no issue, what would you love to do for a living?
  2. If you could fix or put an end to one problem in the world what would it be?
  3. What is one of your favorite traits about yourself?
  4. Share with me the name of one person who inspires you.
  5. If you could get rid of one type of music forever, what would it be? Band, genre, artist?
  6. If you could choose your talent, what talent would you give to yourself? Why?
  7. What sort of vacation do you enjoy most?
  8. Reach out your arm to your left. What is closest at hand? To your right?
  9. If you took a six month sabbatical from your work / life situation, what would you do?
  10. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
  11. If you were stranded on an island and could take ONE person with you, who would it be?
  12. What is your favorite (encouraging) quote?
  13. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

(thanks for Candace for the idea!)

I'm really looking forward to reading your answers!

And for kicks, here's another favorite from my first wedding of 2010: